As a charitable organisation, our constitution requires us to have a membership of individuals from local residents and community.
As full members you have the right to vote at AGMs, attend special events in the evenings including bands, quiz night, BBQs etc. and of course meet with friends and make new ones. Associate members have all the same privileges but without voting rights.
When you join we charge a membership fee which goes toward providing activities and improvements for the centre. Without your membership we wouldn't be able to provide half the things we do - so from the Committee and staff - thank you.
Membership Fees are as follows:-
Each person pays £10 for the year (starting 1st December thru 30th November).Monies can be paid below or at the centre at reception.
NB. Please remember to enter your name or membership number in the notes field so we can match up your payment ;)
Join Here Pay NowActivity Centre - members are entitled to use the Members Lounge between 9am and 4:30pm.
If however you wish to continue to use the room after 4:30pm, attend evening events and weekend activities we would be delighted to have you join us by applying for membership.